Brave Childhood Cancer Stories & Pot of Gold Gifts

Gold Rush Cure Foundation has launched our first ever blog that will share the stories of our childhood cancer heroes. Gold Rush Cure is a nonprofit started by Sandy Barker and her husband Gary, to help deliver Pot of Gold gift packages to children fighting cancer around the United States. Sometimes it can seem like “everything happens for a reason”, even in the philanthropic space. We received our 501 (c)(3) status back in 2009, launched our Pot of Gold program in 2014, but we had a lot to build and learn. Now, so many years later we are ready to start telling the stories and give a little behind the scenes look at how we do what we do.
These children are true heroes and they show courage every day when they go for their treatments at hospitals all over America. We want this blog to provide hope and inspiration for everyone who reads it– donors, partners, and families alike! We hope that the blog will help to show how much our heroes love life and are fighting for it. Gold Rush Cure’s first ever podcast, hosted by Sandy Barker herself, will be launching soon!
It is hard to believe that we have been giving out Pot of Gold’s for over five years now. These personalized gift deliveries are carefully timed, wrapped and delivered by trained volunteers who know how to show up big for families going through the impossible. Over the past year, our program operations team has determined we have supported over 90 children’s hospitals all over America. Pretty cool, isn’t it?
These children bravely fight cancer every day regardless of the treatment, and that is why Gold Rush Cure Foundation records their stories as part of a new blog. We want this blog post to provide hope and inspiration for everyone who reads it—donors, partners, families alike! We hope you’ll find comfort and joy in it and check back often.